Our Privacy Policy

At Care & Carers Ltd we recognise the importance of protecting your privacy in line with our legal responsibilities. This policy advises you on how we use any personal data or information you share with us, either via our website or other means of communication. Your continued use of this site signifies your assent to this Privacy Policy.

Updating your preferences

You can change your personal information and marketing preferences at any time by contacting us. However, our use of your personal information will not be affected by the opt-ins or opt-outs you select, if you have provided information to us or through other means. If you do not wish to receive information by email from Care & Carers Ltd, please use the unsubscribe feature on any promotional email received, email us quoting, 'please unsubscribe me' in the subject line, or use our ‘contact us’ form to request that your details are removed from our database. In this case, we will only retain your personal information, where our legal or regulatory obligations require us to do so.

Collection of Personal Data

We collect personal data or information when you enter your details on forms on our website, when you contact us (in writing, by post, email, or posts and messages via the social media platforms that we support, or by telephone or SMS). We also collect personal information when you use our services, or the services of our Sub-Processors as supplied indirectly to our customers through Data Processor Agreements we have agreed with those Sub-Processors. This data processing is permitted by law under GDPR Article 6(1)(b) “processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract”.

Purchase of services

When you purchase a service from Care & Carers Ltd, we will use the data supplied to fulfil your order. We will hold your details securely for the duration of the agreement. Your personal details will be deleted from our systems 6 years after the conclusion of the service or product purchased. This allows us to respond to any subsequent enquiries or information requests from relevant parties such as Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Duration of Data Storage

We use your personal information only to send you the information you have requested from our company. Unless your enquiry results in the purchase of a service or product, or you have selected to receive news and promotional marketing which may be of interest to you, or join us a member of staff, your personal details will be deleted from our systems 24 months after the conclusion of your enquiry.

News, offers and promotional email marketing

Where you have selected to receive news, periodic offers, or promotional email marketing, we will use only relevant personal information to contact you. We may communicate with you by email, post, phone, SMS text message and social media posts and messaging where you have provided consent at the time we collect your personal information.

Why we collect your personal data

We collect your personal information to:

  • provide you with products and services that you may request from Care & Carers Ltd.
  • check your identity to protect security and prevent fraud, when you use our services.
  • improve and develop our services.
  • meet our legal obligations.

Storage of bank and payment card details

We do not hold any bank payment card details; these are held securely by our nominated payment partners.

Storage of Bank details for processing payments by Direct debit

We do not hold any bank details, these are held securely by our nominated direct debit payment partners, Go Cardless..

How to access your personal data

If your initial enquiry ends in you becoming our service user or a member of our care team you will be created an account on our secure platform and you can access your personal information at any time by logging into your account.

Keeping personal data secure

Care & Carers Ltd is committed to keeping your personal information secure. All personal information is stored on a secure server and fully encrypted to government standards to protect it from being accessed or used inappropriately.

Who Are We?

Care & Carers Ltd, Claydon House, 1 Edison Road, Bucks, HP19 8TE. Company registration No. 10977257. Further details of Care & Carers Ltd can be found on our website!

Transferral of personal data outside of the UK

Care & Carers Ltd may need to transfer your personal information to third parties located outside the UK. If we do, we will ensure that information is protected to a level which meets the requirements of UK law.

Keeping personal data accurate

Care & Carers Ltd will endeavour to ensure that your personal information is kept as accurate and up to date as far as is reasonably possible. We encourage you to advise of any changes to your information by emailing your contact directly at Care & Carers Ltd. Where you have opted-in to receive news, periodic offers, or promotional email marketing, we will use only relevant personal information to contact you.

Links to third party websites

Our website, emails and social media pages may contain links to websites operated by third parties. Care & Carers is not responsible for privacy notices, policies, services offered, or other site content displayed on third party websites. Changes to our Privacy Notice and Policy We review our privacy notice and policy regularly and will display the current version on this webpage. Last updated May 2018.

Data Controller

The data controller responsible for our website is Care & Carers Ltd

Requesting a copy of your personal data

If you have registered on our website, you can contact us via email at info@careandcarers.com holds about you.

Call Recording

We may record telephone conversations but only for specific purposes, which will meet one or more of the following conditions so as to be deemed lawful under GDPR:

  1. The parties involved in the call have given consent to be recorded
  2. Recording is necessary in order to fulfil a contract
  3. Recording is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation
  4. Recording is necessary to protect the vital interests of a data subject or another person
  5. Recording is in the public interest, or necessary for the exercise of official authority
  6. Recording is in the legitimate interests of the recorder, unless those interests are overridden by the interests of the participants in the call

Call recordings may only be kept for a limited period and are stored on a secure server.

When You Contact Us?

When you contact us via this website, by completing a ‘contact us’ form or ‘choose a carer form’ or ‘become a carer form’, we may need to use your personal details to deal with your query, sales enquiry or job application. The details may include your name, address, landline telephone/mobile number, and/or email and IP address. In the case of an enquiry on behalf of a company we may collect your company’s name, your position in the company; the company’s address, company’s email address and telephone number.

Where we collect your personal data from?

Care & Carers Ltd collects your personal information:

  • directly from you when you complete a form on our website, register with us and/or select the option to receive news, information and promotional marketing from us
  • from third parties such as local charities who may contact us on your behalf
  • when you enquire about or purchase a service from us
  • from third parties who hold and supply marketing lists for sale or otherwise in the public domain
  • from third parties when we undertake a payment authorisation or when undertaking an identity check
  • when you purchase a product or service which we provide together with a third party business and the information is collected by the third party business
  • from your family members who may source our service on your behalf
  • From local authorities or health care authorities or practitioners who may commission us to provide you a service

Who we share personal data with - third parties?

Your personal data is only used by Care & Carers Ltd, for the purpose(s) detailed above. We share your personal information with select third party business partners where it is necessary to do so, for the purpose of providing the product or service you have enquired about, or purchased through Care & Carers Ltd. We may share your personal information with our regulatory body, CQC, to enable them to inspect the quality and safety of our services. We may share your personal information with relevant local authorities if there is a safeguarding risk to a vulnerable person. We may share your personal information with health and social care practitioners who are involved in your care and treatment. We will share your personal information with authorities, (including the police, law enforcement agencies, credit reference and fraud prevention agencies and select other bodies), for:

  • prevention and detection of crime
  • the prevention of fraud against Care & Carers Ltd.
  • to prevent money laundering
  • for identity verification
  • for the purpose of legal proceedings

We do not sell your personal information to any other third party, for any reason whatsoever.
In cases where your personal information has been passed to a third party as part of provision of a product or service purchased, you may need to contact the third party directly in relation to their continued use of your personal information.